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user:kurser:ham_vt2023_l9 [2023/05/01 17:19] – [Praktiska råd för självbyggaren] useruser:kurser:ham_vt2023_l9 [2023/05/04 13:29] – Add info on how to handle electrical/fire/CPR (partial) user
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 Ground fault protection does not protect against currents flowing from phase to neutral conductor or phase to phase (three-phase). Ground fault protection shall not be a replacement for protection grounding, but can under certain circumstances increase the protection from protection grounding. Ground fault protection is required in new installations. It is reccomended to install Ground fault protection in old buildings. Ground fault protection does not protect against currents flowing from phase to neutral conductor or phase to phase (three-phase). Ground fault protection shall not be a replacement for protection grounding, but can under certain circumstances increase the protection from protection grounding. Ground fault protection is required in new installations. It is reccomended to install Ground fault protection in old buildings.
-=====Praktiska råd för självbyggaren=====+=====Tips for the electronics builder=====
   * The chassis shall be adapted for the device and not be openable without tools.    * The chassis shall be adapted for the device and not be openable without tools. 
   * The chassis shall have ventilation holes to prevent overheating. Observe that live parts shall not be reachable from the ventilation holes.    * The chassis shall have ventilation holes to prevent overheating. Observe that live parts shall not be reachable from the ventilation holes. 
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-Vid reparation ska utrustningen vara spänningslösFöre arbetet ska du +During repair the device shall be powered offBefore starting working
-1. stänga av utrustningens nätströmbrytare +1) turn off the device power swithch
-2. dra ur stickproppen ur vägguttaget (dubbel säkerhet)+2) Unplug the power cable (double safety)
-Om trimning eller felsökning måste ske under spänning ska följande iakttas: +If trimming or fault finding with live voltage is required follow the following, 
-Arbeta inte med anläggningen när du är trött eller omotiveradDå är du minst vaksam mot olyckor+  * Do not work when tired or unmotivated 
 +  * Make sure to not get electrocutedIf possible work with one hand and keep the other hand away from the device. Preferable in your back pocket!  
 +  * Don't wear (wired) headphones. Use speaker for trimming by ear. 
 +  * Don't work alone with live devices. Show the other person where the power switch is located. It is preferable if they know how to assist with electrocution injuries
-Se till att du inte får ström genom kroppen, arbeta helst bara med höger hand och håll den andra borta från den utrustning som du arbetar med.  
-Stoppa gärna den fria handen i fickan!  
-Ha inga hörtelefoner på huvudet. Använd högtalare om du trimmar med hörseln.  
-Helst bör någon finnas i närheten när du arbetar i apparater under spänning. Visa var nätströmbrytaren sitter. Se gärna till att han/hon kan elolycksfallshjälp. +====Lead Acid Batteries ====
-**Vid arbete med ackumulatorbatterier:**+Even though the voltage is low for lead acid batteries they can deliver large short circuit currents. Remove rings, watches and similar when working with them. Use isolated tools when working with battery poles. 
-Trots att spänningen är låg kan ackumulatorbatterier lämna mycket höga strömmar vid kortslutningTag därför av fingerringar, armbandsur med mera. Använd isolerade verktyg vid arbete med batteripolskor+Be aware of the electrolyte in lead acit batteriesIt is highly corrosive
-Akta dig för elektrolyten i ackumulatorbatterierna – den är starkt frätande+Be aware of the explosion risk from hydrogen released from charging a battery which can send acid into eyes 
-Varning för explosionsrisk av knallgas och syrastänk i ögonen+Modern Lithium (Li<>) batteries are incredibly energy denseThese can catch fire with high temperatures and should be treated carefully. Be careful not to overcharge! 
-Moderna litium-polymer (LiPobatterier är oerhört energirika. Dessa kan börja brinna med hög temperatur, och bör behandlas varsamt samt läggas i därför lämpliga skyddspåsar. Akta för överladdning!+=====When things go wrong (not part of the test)=====
 +Electrical fires have different properties compared to the usual solid/liquid fires we usually see. Also electrical injuries are a bit special as they cause harm through internal burns and interference with the nervous system. This section explains my (klondike's) knowledge in these areas so that you can save lifes. I'm a not a certified trainer in fire safety nor electrical injuries/CPR although I have had formal training in these areas. This is not a replacement of such training and you should attend it if you have the possibility of doing so.
 +=====Fire safety=====
 +In order to burn, fires usually require three things: combustible (i.e. wood), comburent/oxidizer (i.e. oxygen), and enough energy (i.e. the flame that starts the reaction). Remove one and the fire stops.
 +Electrical fires are a bit special compared to "normal" fires. In an electrical fire, an electrical fault, for example a short circuit, is providing a huge amount of energy which helps things that would not combust under normal circumstances catch fire.
 +To minimize the risks of a fire, you should make sure that your cable insulation has fire retardants and that cables carrying large currents/voltages are never close to any inflammable substances. Also, all such cabling should include appropriate fuses to ensure current is cut in case a fault happens. Still accidents can happen and shorts were current is not large enough to activate fuses can cause fires, here is how to act if such a thing happens:
 +  - Move to safety. Avoid any smoke and fumes and try to walk close to the floor.
 +  - Turn off the power if you can. No electricity means no extra energy provided to the fire.
 +  - Warn everybody about the fire so they can evacuate.
 +  - Call 112 and ask for help. Better to have an unnecessary fire brigade call than death people. Prioritize going somewhere safe to calling. If there is a fire alarm activate it.
 +  - Do not fight the fire unless you know how to do so safely. Never use an inadequate fire extinguisher, some extinguishing materials conduct electricity so you risk electrocution or worsening the fault. Prioritize use of extinguishers to clear evacuation paths blocked by fire.
 +  - Ensure everybody is out. If anybody may still be trapped in the building warn the firemen and give as clear indications about their location as possible.
 +Fire extinguishers work usually under similar principles although they use different materials and techniques to extinguish the fire. Always make sure you are aware where the two or three closest ones are placed, what kind of fires (A: solid, B: liquid, C: gas, D: metals, E: old classification for electrical, F: fat) it can handle. Never use an extinguisher against a class of fire it cannot handle (for electrical fires always check the label to avoid electrical shock). Never use a fire extinguisher on humans as this may cause larger damage. Never use an extinguisher on a fire if you cannot do so safely. Prioritize extinguishing fires to clear evacuation paths. Prioritize turning off electricity to using an extinguisher in an electric fire.
 +To use most extinguishers:
 +  - Take the extinguisher as close as safely possible to the fire ensuring a safe distance.
 +  - Remove the precinct from the locking ring.
 +  - Remove the locking ring.
 +  - Point the hose towards the base (lower part) of the flames.
 +  - Pull the handle.
 +  - Move the hose to cover the whole area in flames.
 +Always keep an eye on an "extinguished" fire if it is safe to do so as it might reignite.
 +Another useful tool to handle fires is a fire blanket. These can be particularly useful to extinguish fires on humans. Fire blankets work by removing the comburent from the fire. To use a fire blanket do as follows:
 +  - Try to get the person on fire to lie on the floor with arms and legs closed and parallel to the body.
 +  - Deploy the blanket from head to toes ensuring a bit of slack on the head. Avoid moving the blanket once over the person.
 +  - Prepare for a high temperature. If you have work gloves at hand put them quick.
 +  - Starting from the top of the head push the blanket as close as possible to the body of the person. Make your way slowly from the head towards the feet.
 +  - Call 112 and ask for an ambulance.
 +NEVER try to extinguish the fire with a blanket in any direction other than from head to toes. Doing so may cause significantly worse damage on the person.
 +=====Electrical shock=====
 +During an electrical shock, large currents traverse the body producing burns and/or interfering with the nervous system. The burn damage of an electrical shock is usually below the skin and cannot be easily seen. Also the interference with the nervous system may cause the victim's heart to stop and their muscles to contract and be unable to let the item causing the shock to go.
 +In the case a person is electrocuted do the following:
 +  - Never touch the person directly or with any conductive material.
 +  - Turn off the power immediately.
 +  - Call for help.
 +  - Try to separate the person from the electrical device/cable using a non conductive element.
 +  - Once the person is separated call 112 and ask for an ambulance.
 +  - Check the person is conscious and breathes (see CPR section for more info on this).
 +  - Note down the body area where electricity came in and, if possible, the area where it came out. If the skin is not too damaged you can also use a pen to mark the surrounding area.
 +  - If the person does not breathe, start CPR immediately.
 +  - Apply cold water or indirect ice in the burn area until the ambulance arrives.
 +  - ALWAYS ensure a person who has been shocked visits a doctor, electrical burns are not always visible and are usually much worse than may appear.
 +=====CardioPulmonar Reanimation (CPR/HLR)=====
 +If a person is electrocuted or losses consciousness, there is a risk that their heart has stopped beating. Nevertheless, you can still save their life by performing CPR. You should spend a few minutes seeing the videos at specially the "Vuxen-HLR" one. What follows is a short summary of how to proceed in such a situation:
 +  - Ensure it is safe to reach the person, specially if electrical injuries are suspected.
 +  - Call for help.
 +  - Call the person's name loud to check if they are conscious.
 +  - If no response, move your ear close to the mouth and nose to see if the person breathes.
 +  - If no breathing call 112 (or ask another person to do so).
 +  - If there is a defibrilator close by fetch it (if possible send another person to get it). Closest one to ETA is on the 5th floor close to the stair case.
 +(To be completed, train about to arrive).
user/kurser/ham_vt2023_l9.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/13 18:08 by user