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Introduce myself (SA6JKK is my callsign, 'callsign' 'at', ham since 2019)
Todays agenda
You are licensed to transmit with >100 W using most equipment on certain frequencies. Typically it is the radio that is licensed
Callsigns are not anonymous (google my callsign)
Why ham/amateur radio? (ham with small letters)
SA6JKK's interests
Build my own radio equipment and use it legally
Investigate wave propagation with digital “weak signal modes”
amateur satellite communication
Microwave experiments
AMPRNet (ETA/SK6AB is an internet service provider)
Teaching and learning about radio
Others interests
Talk with locals on VHF/UHF
Talk with the entire world using HF
Talk with the entire world using low power HF, QRP (<10W)
Morse code (CW)
Prepping and emergency communications
Contests, radio operation competitions
Sending QSL cards, physical cards to signify a contact has been made
Radio-orienteering (license not required but common)
Collecting diplomas for all earlier activities. (Example talk to 100 countries = DXCC award)
Course introduction